HICOOL 2024: Where Innovation Takes Flight and Dreams Become Reality

Meta Description: HICOOL 2024, a global entrepreneurship summit, showcases cutting-edge innovation, fosters collaboration, and propels startups to new heights. Discover the latest trends in AI, robotics, and more, and learn how HICOOL empowers entrepreneurs to thrive.

HICOOL 2024, held from August 23rd to 25th at the China International Exhibition Center (Shunyi), truly lived up to its theme: "New Quality Leading Innovation and Integration." This year's summit, a vibrant "global entrepreneurship carnival," brought together the brightest minds from around the world to celebrate innovation, foster collaboration, and propel startups to new heights.

The energy was palpable as entrepreneurs, investors, and industry leaders converged at this epicenter of innovation. The air crackled with excitement as attendees explored the latest technological breakthroughs and engaged in thought-provoking discussions. HICOOL 2024 wasn't just about showcasing the latest and greatest; it was about fostering an environment where ideas could be shared, connections forged, and dreams realized.

HICOOL: A Catalyst for Innovation and Growth

HICOOL's impact extends far beyond the three-day summit. Over the past five years, this remarkable platform has successfully nurtured a thriving ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship.

H2: The Power of HICOOL: Fostering a Thriving Ecosystem

HICOOL's efforts have yielded tangible results:

  • 127 "Specialized and Innovative" Enterprises: HICOOL has played a pivotal role in nurturing the growth of countless innovative companies. These "specialized and innovative" enterprises represent the future of various industries, driving progress through their unique solutions and cutting-edge technologies.
  • 16 Unicorn Companies: HICOOL's commitment to supporting startups has helped propel several companies to coveted "unicorn" status. These high-growth companies are valued at over $1 billion, demonstrating the transformative potential of the entrepreneurial spirit fostered by HICOOL.
  • 70% Project Landing Rate: HICOOL's impact is not solely measured by the number of startups it supports but also by the successful implementation of these projects. A remarkable 70% of the projects showcased at HICOOL have successfully transitioned from concept to reality, making a tangible impact on the real world.
  • Over 360 Billion Yuan in New Funding: HICOOL has played a crucial role in attracting significant investment for its participating startups. The platform's success in securing over 360 billion yuan in new funding underscores its ability to connect entrepreneurs with the resources needed to scale their ventures.

H2: A Showcase of Innovation: From AI-Powered Filmmaking to Driverless Buses

The "HICOOL Service Capital High-Quality Development Achievement Exhibition" was a captivating display of innovation. From high-performance nanomaterials to ingenious robots equipped with flexible "arms" and intelligent "brains," the exhibition showcased the transformative power of cutting-edge technologies.

A Glimpse into the Future: Driverless Buses and AI-Powered Filmmaking

A particularly eye-catching exhibit was a driverless minibus, adorned with lasers and sensors. This futuristic vehicle, developed by Beijing Light舟 Zhihang Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., a 2021 HICOOL Global Entrepreneurship Competition winner, represented a glimpse into the future of transportation. The company is actively testing and operating its driverless buses in 18 cities across China.

Another remarkable innovation on display was the AI-powered film generation platform created by Hanhao Technology. This groundbreaking platform allows users to create professional-quality short films with just a few clicks. Hanhao Technology, founded by Wu Jiexi, has achieved impressive revenue within just one year of operation, demonstrating the immense potential of this technology.

H2: A Global Platform for Innovation

HICOOL is truly a global phenomenon, attracting entrepreneurs and innovators from every corner of the world. This year's competition attracted an unprecedented number of participants:

  • 7406 Startup Projects: Entrepreneurs from 124 countries submitted a record-breaking 7406 projects, showcasing the global reach of HICOOL and its ability to tap into a diverse pool of innovative ideas.
  • 9700 Entrepreneurial Talents: The summit brought together 9700 talented entrepreneurs, representing a vibrant and dynamic community of innovators dedicated to shaping the future.
  • 63% of Projects from Overseas: The international nature of HICOOL is evident in the fact that 63% of the projects submitted came from outside of China, underscoring its role as a global platform for innovation.
  • 33% of Participants from Overseas: The summit's international appeal is further reflected in the fact that 33% of the participants were from overseas, creating a truly global network of entrepreneurs and innovators.

H2: A Comprehensive Ecosystem for Success

HICOOL's commitment to fostering entrepreneurial success extends beyond the annual summit. The platform offers a comprehensive ecosystem of support, including:

  • Talent Selection: The HICOOL Global Entrepreneurship Competition serves as a vital platform for identifying and nurturing promising entrepreneurs.
  • "Butler" Services: HICOOL provides personalized support to help entrepreneurs navigate the complexities of launching and scaling their businesses.
  • Accelerator Programs: The "HICOOL Business School" offers mentorship, training, and resources to help entrepreneurs refine their ideas and build successful ventures.
  • Funding Opportunities: HICOOL connects entrepreneurs with investors, providing access to the capital needed to bring their visions to life.
  • Industry Park Development: The HICOOL Industrial Park provides a dedicated space for startups to grow and thrive, offering access to infrastructure, resources, and a supportive community.
  • Digital Platform Matching: HICOOL's digital platform connects entrepreneurs with potential partners, investors, and mentors, facilitating collaboration and growth.

H2: HICOOL's Impact: Transforming Shunyi into a Hub of Innovation

HICOOL's impact extends far beyond the summit itself. The platform has played a pivotal role in transforming Shunyi District into a thriving center of innovation.

  • 358 Projects and 226 Talented Individuals Attracted: HICOOL has successfully attracted 358 projects and 226 talented individuals to Shunyi District, bolstering the area's entrepreneurial ecosystem and attracting investment.
  • Beijing's New High-Tech Industrial Cluster: The Shunyi District, now home to Beijing's New High-Tech Industrial Cluster, is rapidly becoming a leading hub for technological advancements and entrepreneurial activity.

H2: HICOOL Industrial Park: A Dynamic Hub for Innovation

The HICOOL Industrial Park, a key initiative of the HICOOL platform, has become a magnet for innovative companies and entrepreneurs.

  • Comprehensive Support: The park provides a comprehensive range of services, from policy support and incubation to skill development, ensuring that entrepreneurs have the resources they need to succeed.
  • Supportive Environment: The park fosters a vibrant and collaborative environment, with regular events, workshops, and networking opportunities designed to connect entrepreneurs and facilitate innovation.
  • Attracting Talent and Investment: The HICOOL Industrial Park has become a hub for both talent and investment, attracting ambitious startups and investors seeking to be part of a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem.


Q: What is HICOOL?

A: HICOOL is a renowned global entrepreneurship summit held annually in Beijing, China. The summit brings together entrepreneurs, investors, and industry leaders to celebrate innovation, foster collaboration, and propel startups to new heights.

Q: What is the purpose of HICOOL?

A: HICOOL aims to create a dynamic platform for entrepreneurs to showcase their ideas, connect with investors and mentors, and access the resources needed to launch and scale their businesses. The summit also plays a vital role in promoting innovation and economic development.

Q: Why is HICOOL important?

A: HICOOL is significant because it fosters a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem, attracting talented individuals from around the world. The platform provides a space for entrepreneurs to learn, connect, and thrive, contributing to the growth of the global economy.

Q: What are some of the key achievements of HICOOL?

A: HICOOL has achieved numerous successes, including the nurturing of 127 "specialized and innovative" enterprises, the emergence of 16 unicorn companies, a 70% project landing rate, and over 360 billion yuan in new funding secured for participating startups.

Q: How does HICOOL support entrepreneurs?

A: HICOOL offers a comprehensive ecosystem of support, including talent selection, "butler" services, accelerator programs, funding opportunities, industry park development, and digital platform matching.

Q: What is the future of HICOOL?

A: HICOOL is poised to continue its growth and impact, further solidifying its position as a leading global platform for entrepreneurship. The platform will likely continue to attract more entrepreneurs, investors, and industry leaders, fostering a vibrant and dynamic ecosystem of innovation.


HICOOL 2024 proved once again that it is a force to be reckoned with in the global entrepreneurial landscape. The summit's focus on fostering collaboration, promoting innovation, and empowering entrepreneurs has created a truly dynamic and impactful platform. HICOOL is not merely a summit; it's a movement, a catalyst for change, and a beacon of hope for the future of innovation. As the world embraces the transformative power of entrepreneurship, HICOOL will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of business and technology.